The World Rafting Federation (WRF) condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible attack suffered by Mr. David Katsarava, President of the Georgian Rafting Federation.

Reports indicate that Mr. Katsarava, a respected figure within the rafting community, was subjected to brutal violence during his detention at a protest. This incident, occurring within the context of the recent protests in Georgia, is deeply concerning and completely unacceptable.
Mr. Katsarava, known for his activism, was arrested and severely beaten, resulting in serious injuries including a broken jaw and significant facial trauma. These injuries necessitated urgent medical attention, and he is currently undergoing surgery at Ingorokva clinic.
His wife, Mrs. Sofo Khachapuridze, has provided distressing details of the extent of his injuries, describing deliberate and targeted blows to his head by multiple assailants.

The WRF stands in solidarity with Mr. Katsarava and his family during this difficult time. We urge the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into this incident and ensure that those responsible for this heinous act are brought to justice swiftly.
Furthermore, we call for the protection of the fundamental rights and freedoms of all individuals, including the right to peaceful protest, without fear of violence or persecution.
Our thoughts are with Mr. Katsarava for a swift and full recovery, and we reaffirm our commitment to upholding the principles of justice, human rights, and dignity for all.


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