The World Rafting Federation & the Protection of the Enviromental

WRF is responsible for and undertakes to consider the protection of the environment when organizing and promoting its activities.

To achieve this goal, WRF develops common projects with its Members and collaborate with international environmental protection associations 

Rafting, like others outdoor sport, must balance its use of nature with the conservation of rivers as a natural resource and habitat.

Rafting by do-it-yourself rafters and commercial rafting companies contributes to the economy of many regions which in turn may contribute to the protection of rivers from hydroelectric power generation.

WRF undertakes to save rivers by preserving their original and natural venues with regard to ecology and biodiversity. They shall be preserved for the benefit of nature, biodiversity, and of the people for whom these rivers have a deep symbolic and cultural meaning. The development of the economic system can be realized by conserving the natural rivers and not by constructing dams jeopardising the ecosystems.


Nyami the Mascot

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