Dear friends of rafting,
It is a great honor and pleasure for us to welcome you to the World Cup on the Salza in Wildalpen.
As many of you know, rafting races on the Salza have a long tradition and many of you have already experienced magical moments in the white water. We are therefore particularly pleased that you have found your way to us again and will be spending three unforgettable days both on the water and on land.
It is very important for our region that these races take place and that many international teams take part.
The Salza, as the longest unobstructed whitewater river in Central Europe, provides ideal conditions for the sport.
Our competition course not only impresses with its beautiful landscape and technical conditions, it is also complemented by floodlights which guarantee a unique experience for all athletes. Of course, our event will once again be rounded off with a party where everyone from the community can celebrate together.
We would already like to thank our many volunteers who make this event possible, as well as all our sponsors and partners.
We hope that we can guarantee the best conditions for all athletes and look forward to a fair sporting competition.
We wish all participants all the best!
The organising team of Rafting Sport Salzatal