On Friday, January 26 , 2018, representatives from 15 different countries (3 continent)  reunited in Belgrade, Serbia, to sign the official act that created the new world governing body for sport rafting, the World Rafting Federation (WRF).

In presence of Mr. Ivo Ferriani, IOC member and President of the International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (IBSF), the new WRF board was approved by the present members: Mr. Danilo Barmaz (Italy) was unanimously chosen as President of the newly born federation. Mr. Barmaz declared that “The creation of a new world federation was the natural outcome of the feelings and intentions that most of the rafting community was manifesting. The path toward a real international recognition is now paved in front of us: we just need to walk it”.

The WRF congress will continue on Saturday, January 27, with the first meeting of the new board of directors and the beginning of the work of the commissions, with the main goal of defining the sport calendar for the upcoming season.


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