Since 2002, European Mobility Week has sought to improve public health and quality of life through promoting clean mobility and sustainable urban transport.

The campaign gives people the chance to explore the role of city streets and to experiment with practical solutions to tackle urban challenges, such as air pollution.

Tunceli is one of the 551 Turkish cities (2943 cities in total, from 53 different countries) that took part to the event this year; on Tunceli’s river, Munzur, that hosted several National Rafting Cups and the WRF World Rafting Championship 2019, 10 Men and 5 Women teams joined a 6 km Down River Marathon organised by the Turkish Rafting Federation on 23rd Semotember.


The governor Mehmet Ali Özkan with local authorities and the President of the Turkish Rafting Federation Fikret Yardımcı awarded the medals to 


1. Tunceli Gençlik A Takımı

2. Tunceli Gençlik B Takımı

3. Tunceli Spor Lisesi


1. Palu Belediyesi Takımı

2. Bingöl Genç Murat Takımı

3. Tunceli Gençlik A Takımı


It was the first national event since the pandemic and it has been smooth and successful, respecting all the Covid-19 restriction, therefore Turkish Rafting Federation is going to organise a Turkish Rafting Cup from 7th to 11th October in Şırnak Province - Beytüşşebab on the river Habur.

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