Yesterday World Rafting Federation received a letter from Mr Oleksandr Bakanychev, the President of Ukrainian Rafting Federation. We kindly ask you to read the words below; we share them knowing that the people concerned, members of our community as you are, may find some support on this platform. Thank you in advance for your time.



"Dear World Rafting,

We kindly ask you to help us collect money for the treatment of the President of Kyiv Rafting Club. His name is Oleg Gordiychuk and he lives in Hostomel, a small town near Kyiv. Oleg is the coach for female sportsmen. He was a good sportsman and a member of the Ukrainian rafting team.

On 20th March 2022 his two legs were shot through in Hostomel. The first shoot hit him in the left knee; the second one into the right femur and damaged the arteria. It was an explosive bullet. After the shooting he and his his wife's son were taken captive.



Mr Oleg Gordiychuk


He stayed 30 days in Russian captivity at a concentration camp. He was left without food and medical drugs. Russians wanted to amputate his left leg. He asked about antibiotics and they did not amputate his leg. On 20th April Oleg was exchanged for Russian captives. Oleg's weight is now 49 kilos and his two legs are in a very bad condition. His wife's son Dima Yuzvak is still missing. Oleg and Dima were divided at the prison. Our entire sports community is looking for Dima Yuzvak who is still imprisoned. We do not know where he is.

We need money for the medical treatment of Oleg: his wounds are infected, and the drains endanger the wounds. This money we are asking for will be used for drugs, bandaging materials, lab and instrumental diagnostics. Medical drugs are very expensive due to the current situation and it is hard to buy them at the moment.

We kindly ask you to help Oleg. Please send this information to people who will be able to help him.

Thank you a lot for understanding

Oleksandr Bakanychev - President of Ukrainian Rafting Federation"






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