Today the Sala Consiglio dell’Amministrazione provinciale di Sondrio hosted the Press Conference for the World Rafting Championship that will take place from 26th June to 2nd July in Valtellina, on the Adda river rapids.

Boffetto, the III+ Adda section, is ready to welcome the worldwide event, but it's not the first time that athletes from all over the world paddle in its rapids. We remember the European Canoeing Championship in 2008 and 2009, the World Cup in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and the World Championship in 2014.

The Province President Davide Menegola opened the meeting after the online greetings of BIM Adda President, FICK President Luciano Buonfiglio, CONI President Giovanni Malagó and Sport e Salute President Vito Cozzoli.

Mr Menegola expressed satisfaction about the local cohesion that is necessary not only for the organisation of a successful event, but also to preserve the territory managing tourism in an active way.
Simone Luca Marchesini, Mayor of Piateda, and the Province Assessors were present and are happy to promote an event that that raises awareness about the importance to preserve the river and the potential of rafting in that direction.

The biggest event of the year is sanctioned by World Rafting Federation and organised by Federazione Italian Rafting (FIRaft) and Adda Viva Indomita Valtellina RIver.

FIRaft President Benedetto Del Zoppo renews the invitation to the opening ceremony on the night of 27th June: the 400 athletes from 33 nations will be presented in Piazza Garibaldi, Sondrio.



WRF President Danilo Barmaz is happy to see a great participation in the Mix (26) and Para-Rafting (6) category, apart from the 44 men teams and 22 women teams.
For the first time WRF will welcome teams directly from Africa: in 2021 France saw the Moroccoan team (living in France) competing for the world title. This time Ghana, Morocco, Senegal and Uganda will display men teams representing a great delegation from the African continent.

Also, for each athlete participating one tree will grow in Uganda, to prevent the deforestaion that is a concrete threat to the nowadays society, thanks to the collaboration with One Tree Planted.

Furthermore Peace and Sport will be present and the athletes will raise its symbol: as reference to the yellow and the red card in the sporting world, the #WhiteCard invites not to punish but to promote peace.

India and Japan men teams are already arrived and in these days are discovering the Boffetto rapids, where the Slalom and RX will take place. They are waiting for you!

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