The World Rafting Federation announces that the Executive Board has decided to extend the emergency measures until 31st August 2020.

WRF is working on potential solutions to save the events previously scheduled for summer 2020, positioning part of the calendar to autumn 2020 whenever possible, especially focusing on the South American beginning summer, or 2021 season.
The enforced lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemia suddenly changed everyone’s programmes.

Athletes were preparing the agonistic season especially in Europe, focusing on the first competitions of the international calendar: Croatia, previously scheduled in March was planned to be the opening race, directly followed by the Gran Prix in Bulgaria, and several National teams were at the end of their winter training, ready to start outdoor.

Meanwhile many river guides will experience winter for the first time after a few years spent travelling and working in other continents, chasing whitewater during an endless summer. 

“I hope every member of this worldwide rafting family is healthy, coping with quarantine with a productive and optimistic attitude and accepting the current situation as a challenge, bearing in mind that even in difficult periods there are projects to pursue, personal growth to focus on, relationships to maintain, and new dimensions to discover and appreciate” said WRF Secretery General, Matteo Benciolini.

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