Asian Rafting Championships on the go! A thrilling new adventure will bring together all the rafting lovers from across the continent to race for the title of Asian Champion celebrating the spirit of river sports.




The competition will be organized by the Indian Rafting Foundation and held from September 16th to 23rd on the river Satluj in Shimla District; Himachal Pradesh - India. With breathtaking landscapes and challenging III-IV level rapids the Sutlej is one of only three Trans Himalayan rivers originating in the high Tibetan Plateau that cuts across the mighty Himalayan ranges, its source lies in near the Mansarovar Lake at 18500 ft. .


Sutlej 06


The arrival is scheduled for september 16th - all the teams will be welcomed at the New Delhi airport and transported to Shimla. From september 19th to 22nd the teams will compete against one another in accordance with the WRF Sport Rules in the three disciplines: Downriver, Slalom and RX. Each discipline tests different aspects of the teams' abilities, requiring them to navigate treacherous rapids, maneuver through obstacles, and synchronize their movements to achieve maximum speed and control.


Sutlej 03


‘’I’m optimistic that the teams coming from various part of Asia will enjoy the scenic location chosen for the Asian Rafting Championships’’ says the Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu ‘’This Championships will give a big boost to adventure sports and make Himachal Pradesh a preferred destination for both national and worldwide enthusiasts’’ and also aligning with the most recent projects ‘’Himachal Pradesh is a very eco sensitive state and I congratulate that the organizer for endeavoring to make it a PLASTIC FREE event.’’.


Bhimakali Temple


In addition to the continental event at Nadaun (Himachal Pradesh) will also take place the ‘’All India Rafting Marathon Series’’ open to all the teams from september 24th to 28th.

 all india rafting marathon


July 31st 2023 -Deadline Numerical entries (by e-mail)

August 31st 2023 - Deadline Nominal entries (via the WRF platform)


Check out the Asian Rafting Championships Bulletin & the All India Rating Marathon Series Bulletin for more!



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