We are thrilled to announce that we are offering two free spots for a rafting course in Villeneuve, Aosta, Italy. The course will take place from May 21st to May 27th, 2023. It’s organised by CRFCK - FFCK (Centre régional de formation au canoë-kayak - FFCK) and FIRaft (Italian Rafting Federation). We are inviting applications from individuals who...News
After a challenging and intense week of races, the award ceremony on the last day crowned the World Rafting Champions of the Women, Mix and Para Rafting categories. Italy 2, Women overall Champions With 292 points, scored with two golds in RX and Slalom and a silver in the Downriver, Italy 2 is the overall Champion of the Women category: Christa...News
On 3rd July the last stage of the RX for Women, Mix and ParaRafting closed the race week and awarded the podiums with important points, that decided the overall results. In the Women category the four teams who made it to the semifinals, after the Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the knock out, were Turkey 2, Slovakia, Italy 1 and Italy 2 . Women, Italy 1,...News
A fresh afternoon on 30th June, in the Stade d’eau vive Michel Baudry, saw more than 50 teams paddling in the 400m whitewater venue for the RX qualification . Based on the these times, the athletes will compete on Friday and Saturday in the knock out phase, that will crown the RX Champions with 120 points. Italy 1, Women team In the women...News
First day of race in France : the 3 kms Downriver opens the competing part of the week, with the start in the Durance gorge with 20 cubic meters per second. The water flow doubles with the Gyronde tributary in L’Argentière-la-Bessée, reaching 43 cubics per second in the Stade d’eau vive Michel Baudry . The first team who started paddling and...News
Second day of event at L’Argentière-la-Bessée and everyone is finally arrived on Durance river: 226 athletes from 19 countries are now in the French Alps and started the official training in the II-III level rapids. Downriver training, 3kms finishing at the Stade d’eau vive “Michel Baudry” The Downriver race will be 3 kms long and is scheduled...News
The World Rafting Championship 2021 has begun. The last teams are arriving in L’Argentière-la-Bessée and we are proud to announce that our partner Peace and Sport will be present during the whole racing week. As we always said, sport is not only about chronometers and medals, it is a way to meet other people and share experiences, to learn and...News
Despite the challenging situation due to Covid-19 restriction, after two years without WRF worldwide competitions we finally arrived at the day before the World Rafting and ParaRafting Championship 2021 . For the first time in history athletes and para athletes will compete in the same rapids, at the whitewater stadium in L’Argentière-la-Bessée,...News
FFCK is one of the biggest canoe federations worldwide and in 2017 officially welcomed the rafting sport under its umbrella, becoming a WRF member. Rafting in France is a historical discipline from the recreational and commercial point of view, but the first National Championship was held in 2019. Since then the agonistic field is exponentially...News
The first National Rafting Championship in French history is over: the union between the estabilished and competitive Canoe "d'eau vive" and the passion of Rafting guides laid the foundation of the agonistic Rafting in France. On 19th May 2019 44 teams celebrated the beginning of a new river era that will exponentially grow in the next years...News
During the closing ceremony on 13th June in Tunceli, Turkey, the French Rafting will be present not only with teams, but also with the FFCK delegation, to receive the WRF flag: indeed, the Executive Board of the World Rafting agreed that France will host the 2021 Senior World Championships in June in L'Argentière-la-Bessée, where the WRF Centre...News
On 12th May 2019 France will hold the first National Championship of Rafting: L'Argentière-La Bessée will host professional athletes and beginner rafters (who will be guided by a stag trainer) who will compete in the middle of the Alps in the southeastern France for the first time in the history of French Rafting, in order to win the National...News
During the ICF Congress 2018 in Budapest Mr. Danilo Barmaz, President of the WRF, and Mr. Jean Zoungrana, President of the Fédération Francaise de Canoe Kayak signed the the Memorandum of Understanding: WRF and FFCK will cooperate through a common line towards programs and activities with the aim of enlarging the number of people practicing the...News
The Fédération Française de Canoë-Kayak (FFCK), one of the most important Kayak Federation in the world, has become a Member of the World Rafting Federation. The application shall be ratified by the Executive Board during the next U23 & Junior World Championships in Aosta/Ivrea, Italy. "The France's membership is a great news for all the WRF...News