Flow into the World of Rafting: Making Waves Worldwide!


  • During the first 10 days of March the Fédération Royal Maroccaine de Rafting held a course of for river guides. Two experienced guides cooperated with the local organisation: Mr Zach is an international rafting trainer and assessor from United Kingdom with over 30 seasons of experience working in outdoor adventure, and he is one of the...
  • Fédération Royale Marocaine de Rafting (FRMR) IOC Code: MOR Preside nt: El Mamoun Belabbas Status: Full Member Office: Siège des Fédérations Sportives - Centre National des Sports avenue Email: frm.rafting2022@gmail.com Website: www.maltasportforall.org
    African Council
  • The World Rafting Federation has concluded a free technical workshop for the Delegations of Morocco and Iran in the city of Villeneuve, Italy from 10-12 July. The workshop is part of the WRF Developing Programme , which aims to develop the skills and quality of professional sports athletes and coaches worldwide. It was led by professional...
  • Rafting discipline in Morocco is growing, starting from Tilouguite , a small town and rural commune in Azilal Province, in a region located in the interior of the country called Béni Mellal-Khénifra. Tiloguite is crossed by Ahansal river that flows near to the Cathedral Imsfrane just before entering the village . A first formation meeting was...
Nyami the Mascot

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