African Rafting
Mr Alex Aitken , born in Scotland, discovered the river world at only 10 years old. From kayaking to safety, from katarafts to rafting, he begun his adventure in Africa at 17 . Since he paddled Kenya’s rivers, he felt something different. “I had never imagined it before: hundreds of native kids and farmers following us, running on the shores...News
Earlier this month the African Rafting Council was elected and for the first time in history the continent has a shared river movement that can connect and develop every rafting reality in the different member nations. The outcome of the meeting displays: President: Belabbas El Mamoun (Morocco) 1st Vice President: Ady Fall (Senegal) 2nd Vice...News
The ICF Congress was held from 3rd to 7th November 2021 in Rome, Italy. On the other side of the elections the meeting has been an opportunity to discover new realities and create new sinergies. In those days the WRF President and Secretary fist met and made contact with the Nigerian Rowing, Canoeing and Sailing Federation....News