Flow into the World of Rafting: Making Waves Worldwide!


  • Get ready for one of Peru's most exciting aquatic sports events—the Monzón River Fest 2024! Set in the stunning Monzón Valley in Huánuco, this festival has grown from a local initiative into a national phenomenon, drawing the best athletes from across the country. From September 6th to 8th, the valley will come alive with the adrenaline-pumping...
  • FEDERACION DEPORTIVA NACIONAL DE CANOTAJE IOC Code: PER President: Jorge Salvator Tavara Mariategui Secretary-General: Nita Rosario Sakata Gonzalez Status: Full Member Address: CALLE JUAN DEL CARPIO NRO 115. SAN ISIDRO - LIMA Website: www.perucanotaje.com
    American Council
  • On 13rd January the President of the Comité Olimpico Peruano, Dr Renzo Vitto Fabrizio Manyar Velazco certified that "the Peruvian Canoeing Federation is the representative of the rafting discipline in the country as a national sports representative for the fulfillment of the international agreements assumed between the International Canoeing...
Nyami the Mascot

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