WRF and IRF sign Declaration to unite the Global Rafting Community Lausanne, Switzerland - In a historic move towards the unification of the global rafting community, Danilo Barmaz, President of the World Rafting Federation (WRF), and Joseph Willis Jones, President of the International Rafting Federation (IRF), have signed a joint declaration on...News
Dear WRF Friends, As we welcome the new year, it's time for reflection! 2023 finally marked the return to sporting normality after years impacted by the Covid pandemic. Unfortunately, our world remains in turmoil with ongoing economic, social crises, and persistent wars, making it challenging to foster dialogue and sports. Yet, we persist in...News
Earlier this month the African Rafting Council was elected and for the first time in history the continent has a shared river movement that can connect and develop every rafting reality in the different member nations. The outcome of the meeting displays: President: Belabbas El Mamoun (Morocco) 1st Vice President: Ady Fall (Senegal) 2nd Vice...News
On 12th November the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) General Assembly elected Ivo Ferriani as its President representing the Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations (AIOWF). “I am very honoured to have been elected as President of GAISF. The COVID-19 pandemic has truly demonstrated how sport...News
World Rafting Federation signs a new membership with The Association For International Sport for All. The origins of TAFISA date back to the 1960s , with the semi regular gathering of international but individual personalities and leaders interested and working in the field of Sport for All, under the title 'Trim and Fitness'. At the time, Sport...News
"The mega rafting event organized by Himachal Tourism and World Rafting Federation (WRF) ‘All India River Rafting Marathon ’ concluded at Nadaun in Himachal Pradesh in India on the rushing waters of river Beas near here on October 08. Davashweta Banik Deputy Commissioner Hamirpur awarded the prizes to the winners in the valedictory function...News
An amazing water level on Rio Fonce hosted the National Championship of Colombia . The participation was excellent and river lovers from all the departments where rafting is practised such as Huila, Caquetá, Meta, Antioquia, Cundinamarca joined the three days event in the Valle de San Josè, Santander . 19 teams participated and competed in the...News
Slalom day in L'Argentière-La Bessée on 1st July: 4 categories paddled 2 runs that awarded the podiums with 100, 90 and 80 points for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd best time (first or second manche). Women, Men, Para Rafting and Mix teams faced 10 challenging gates in the Stade d’eau vive Michel Baudry : 6 green gates (downstream) and 4 red gates...News
After the opening race on Rio Pejibaye in February and the second stage on Rio Pacuare at the end of March, the National Championship of Costa Rica is finally over. Sarapiquì hosted the third and final stage on Rio Puerto Viejo . In the women category the winners of the first two races confirmed the gold, with a first place in every discipline...News
World Earth Day is the biggest environmental event dedicated to the planet and has been celebrated every year for 51 years. Founded in 1970 to sensitize the world to the importance of conserving the Earth's natural resources, in recent years it has managed to mobilize over one billion people in the 193 countries involved . Each edition has its...News
Following the project of the ICF International Canoe Federation we have created some games too for our younger rafters ! The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic were felt by all, but perhaps the most affected by the changes of this period were the kids. T his is the reason why - while we all wait to be able to go back to the river to have fun we can...Discover